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增材制造及3D/4D打印技术 (2012 ~ 2021)


Zheng W, Wu JM, Chen S, et al. Influence of Al2O3 content on mechanical properties of silica-based ceramic cores prepared by stereolithography. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (6): 1381-1388.

Nie G, Li Y, Sheng P, et al. Microstructure refinement-homogenization and flexural strength improvement of Al2O3 ceramics fabricated by DLP-stereolithography integrated with chemical precipitation coating process. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (4): 790-808.
品味“仙桃” | 利用化学沉淀覆膜技术实现DLP立体光固化Al2O3陶瓷的微观结构调控与力学强化

He R, Zhou N, Zhang K, et al. Progress and challenges towards additive manufacturing of SiC ceramic. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (4): 637-674.
品味“仙桃” | SiC陶瓷材料增材制造进展与挑战

Rasaki SA, Xiong D, Xiong S, et al. Photopolymerization-based additive manufacturing of ceramics: A systematic review. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (3): 442-471.
品味“仙桃” | 基于光固化的陶瓷增材制造技术

Zhu Z, Gong Z, Qu P, et al. Additive manufacturing of thin electrolyte layers via inkjet printing of highly-stable ceramic inks. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (2): 279-290.
品味“仙桃” | 基于喷墨打印高稳定性陶瓷墨水的电解质薄层增材制造研究

Chen Z, Sun X, Shang Y, et al. Dense ceramics with complex shape fabricated by 3D printing: A review. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (2): 195-218
品味“仙桃” | 高密度陶瓷零件的3D打印技术综述

Yao Y, Qin W, Xing B, et al. High performance hydroxyapatite ceramics and a triply periodic minimum surface structure fabricated by digital light processing 3D printing. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (1): 39-48.
品味“仙桃” | 具有优良仿生TPMS结构的3D打印陶瓷支架

Hassanin H, Essa K, Elshaer A, et al. Micro-fabrication of ceramics: Additive manufacturing and conventional technologies. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (1): 1-27.


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