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功能性薄膜 (2012 ~ 2021)


Li J, Tang X, Liu Q, et al. Resistive switching and optical properties of strontium ferrate titanate thin film prepared via chemical solution deposition. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (5): 1001-1010.

Ren W, Yang GD, Feng AL, et al. Annealing effects on the optical and electrochemical properties of tantalum pentoxide films. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (4): 704-713.

Yan J, Wang Y, Wang CM, et al. Boosting energy storage performance of low-temperature sputtered CaBi2Nb2O9 thin film capacitors via rapid thermal annealing. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (3): 627-635.
品味“仙桃” | 高能量密度和高充放电效率的铋系层状钙钛矿薄膜电容器

Tian W, Yan F, Cai C, et al. Freeze-drying and hot-pressing strategy to embed two-dimensional Ti0.87O2 monolayers in commercial polypropylene films with enhanced dielectric properties. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (2): 368-376.
品味“仙桃” | 热压法制备二维单层Ti0.87O2/聚丙烯复合薄膜及其介电性能

Zhu Z, Gong Z, Qu P, et al. Additive manufacturing of thin electrolyte layers via inkjet printing of highly-stable ceramic inks. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (2): 279-290.
品味“仙桃” | 基于喷墨打印高稳定性陶瓷墨水的电解质薄层增材制造研究

Tong S. Size and temperature effects on dielectric breakdown of ferroelectric films. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (1): 181-186.

Zhou S, Lin D, Su Y, et al. Enhanced dielectric, ferroelectric, and optical properties in rare earth elements doped PMN-PT thin films. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2021, 10 (1): 98-107.
品味“仙桃” | 稀土掺杂增强PMN-PT铁电薄膜介电和光学特性


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